Announcement: Thailand Pass will be closed for all new Test and Go and Sandbox applications (except Phuket Sandbox) until further notice.

Announcement: Thailand Pass will be closed for all new Test and Go and Sandbox applications (except Phuket Sandbox) until further notice.

วันที่นำเข้าข้อมูล 21 Dec 2021

วันที่ปรับปรุงข้อมูล 29 Nov 2022

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Thailand Pass will be closed for all new Test and Go and Sandbox applications (except Phuket Sandbox), starting from 00.00 hrs. (Thailand local time) on 22 December 2021  (20.00 hrs. on 21 December 2021 - Qatar local time) until further notice.


🔺 New measures apply for all applicants on Thailand Pass, as follows; 🔺


1️⃣ Applicants who have received their Thailand Pass QR Code can enter Thailand under the scheme they have registered.


2️⃣ Applicants who have registered, but have not received their QR Code must wait for their Thailand Pass to be considered / approved. Once approved, they can enter Thailand under the scheme they have registered.


3️⃣ New applicants will not be able to register for Test and Go and Sandbox measures (except Phuket Sandbox). Thailand Pass will only accept new applicants seeking to enter Thailand under Alternative Quarantine (AQ) or Phuket Sandbox only.  

         - Alternative Quarantine scheme : You will need to undergo your 7-day (Vaccinated Travelers) or 10-day  (Unvaccinated Travelers) mandatory quarantine at your hotel / accommodation. Once you have completed your quarantine, you can travel to any destination in Thailand.

         - Phuket Sandbox Programme: You can travel freely in the Sandbox area for the duration of 7 days if the RT-PCR test conducted on your day of arrival is negative. Once you have completed your 7-day mandatory stay at hotel within the Sandbox area, you can travel to any destination in Thailand.

Alternative Quarantine (AQ) facility  Alternative State Quarantine (ASQ or SHA+ hotel that have been approved by the Thai authorities.


4️⃣ Passengers who will arrive in Thailand under Test and Go and Sandbox Programme must undergo their 2nd COVID-19 test using the RT-PCR technique (not ATK self-test) at government-designated facilities (no additional cost).



Children aged below 6:
 - Travel with parents only
 - Vaccination not required
 - Not required to present a COVID-19 RT-PCR test result upon arrival (Please check with the airline whether PCR test is mandatory for the airline or not)
 - Once in Thailand, they are able to undergo COVID-19 test using saliva testing technique.

Children aged 6 - 11:
 - Vaccination not required
 - Travel with parents only
 - Present a COVID-19 RT-PCR test result (issued within 72 hours before departure) upon arrival.

Children aged 12 - 17:
 - Present a COVID-19 RT-PCR test result (issued within 72 hours before departure) upon arrival
 - Able to travel alone if vaccinated with 1 dose of COVID-19 vaccine no less than 14 days before travelling
 - If unvaccinated, must travel with parents.


